Five years in the sign of the thriller, of feelings and of the so-called soft-porn. With more purchases in the Centre-North compared to the regions and cities of the South. On the occasion of the birthday of the Italian Kindle, Amazon, a leader in the field, draw a map of the digital reading in our Country.
The ereader is the group of Jeff Bezos debuted in Italy on the first of December, 2011, the same day, was inaugurated on Amazon.en the library from which to make the purchases, the Kindle Store. Since then, the range of devices has expanded, as has the number of titles on sale has increased fivefold, going from a million to 5 million, from 16 thousand to 180 thousand ones in Italian. A growth parallel to the development of the digital market, with the publishers of our Country that publish the now the news in either paper ebook. According to the latest data released by the Italian publishers Association (Aie), in 2015 the turnover of the ebook has risen 25.9%, compared to 2014, reaching 51 million, although the weight in the total turnover of the book to arrive only to 4.2% (3.4% in 2014, source: Nielsen).
Amazon anticipates the “Courier” titles for the Kindle best-seller in Italy from 2011 to present. Several stand out (also) for the affordable price, under 3 euros, in a market that is mixed, that follows the bestseller in the paper, on the other expresses its own characteristics, such as, precisely, the prices, the strength of some of the genres and of the ebook related to the world of the Network.
Flying thriller: the girl on The train (Piemme) of the former journalist Paula Hawkins, is the ebook more sold in the five-year period. Also a success on paper, as well as a Hell Dan Brown (Knopf), the fifth, as a result purely digital, in the third place, is another thriller by: A family almost perfect (Newton Compton), the debut feature of british doctor Jane Shemilt. Emerged from the self-publishing but then the queen well on paper and is the founder of the erotic with the romantic salsa in E. L. James: Fifty shades of grey (Mondadori) is second, while it is a triumph more digital than paper that of the scent of The tea leaves of Dinah Jefferies (Newton Compton), the third, the history of betrayals in the London of the twenties. The same can be said for Giulia Beyman, whose yellow Before we say goodbye, autopubblicato with the service Kindle Direct Publishing, the ebook most purchased of the 2014. “If you narrow down the ranking to the authors of the Italian — adds Giulia Poli, head of content Kindle for Amazon uk — and dominates the literature: Andrea Camilleri is the signature male sold Elena Ferrante’s female” (according, at least, to the genus declared of the pseudonym).
“Amazon should start giving also of the absolute numbers”, he pressed Gino Roncaglia, professor of humanities Computing at the University of sheffield and author of The fourth revolution. Six lessons on the future of the book (Laterza). Then said, “a certain divergence between paper and digital, that is not good for both. Especially in view of ebooks enriched, that could express more functionality than paper, it is also risky to the concept that the price of the digital should always be low”. Understandable, however, the prevalence among the ebooks of stories of easy-to-read, “given the use most often in mobility, with plots from which it detaches and returns several times”.
Valle d Aosta, Lombardy, Liguria, Friuli-Venezia Giulia and Trentino-Alto Adige (between the regions), Milan, Trieste, Padua, Bologna and Florence (the city), finally, the places in which they are bought more ebooks (given per capita, calculated on the number of inhabitants). Rome and Lazio have come in 7th place in their respective rankings, Napoli at 19°, and Campania to the 17th, then Bari, and Catania, while Apulia and Sicily were to the 19th and 18th place, followed by Calabria, which closes the ranking of the regions.
November 30, 2016 (change the 30 November 2016 | 21:42)