We try to write on Kindle WriteOn Amazon – Wired.it
As mentioned earlier, the attentions of Amazon, at this time, concern the writing community . Finished (for now) the battle against the publishing group Hachette on lowering the price of ebooks, ecommerce giant, to maintain its hegemony editorial, aims to create a social environment based on writing, on the model of Wattpad. That is a platform where users can post their stories – it is stories or novels – receiving feedback and comments. The success of the Canadian Wattpad community has been slow but steady, since its inception, in 2006, but only recently has begun to talk about it, about the visibility that some users have gotten posting their work on this platform (as Anna Todd After ) and an app that makes it accessible literature works mobile and generates traffic that covers 85% of the total.
Kindle WriteOn test
Kindle WriteOn test
The literary genres
Kindle WriteOn test
Comments can be long 10 thousand jokes
Kindle WriteOn test
The user profile
Kindle WriteOn test
The writing system
Kindle WriteOn test
The cover
Kindle WriteOn test
Please read in page mode
Kindle WriteOn test
The forum
Kindle WriteOn test
The home page of Wattpad
It should be called one thing: Wattpad is a social network for writers who owes much of his fortune to fanfiction, or stories that have starring celebrities or characters of narrative universes (they belong in novels or TV series) already exist and, often, bound by copyright. This kind of works, written by young, often not a model of literary virtuosity, do not offer the reader a product of superior regarding editing. But they are still a territory to explore for readers looking for interesting stories, current, and maybe for publishers who want to pick up the latest trends in search of some author to add to its stable.
As mentioned, Amazon responded with a new platform like Wattpad called Kindle WriteOn . A kind of social network for authors, for now in beta and only available in English. Membership is by invitation. I had the opportunity to try WriteOn: following my impressions. WriteOn looks like a social network for authors simply and intuitively. It offers the same tool Wattpad, often replicated in a more powerful. For example comments: on Wattpad can be long 2 thousand jokes about WriteOn 10 thousand. The home page is quite clear, certainly less chaotic Wattpad, with stories listed by genre or feedback. The genera listed wink to younger users, including fantasy, sci / fi horror we find spirtual , fanfiction , teen fiction and romance . That kind of literature at the turn of the paranormal and the sick lit, so fashionable these days, that mixes fantastic and sentimental.
The creation of a cover inherits the same system Kindle Direct Publishing, less intuitive and slower Wattpad (where you just upload an image from your PC), but with the advantage of presenting various models opzionabili different frame and font for the title and the author’s name. Interesting the chance to read the work in the format “page” or scrollbars. The forum is now populated with topics regarding technical aspects of the platform.
In conclusion, at least on a computer, Kindle WriteOn, in terms of technology, it has nothing to envy to Wattpad. There are some unknowns, however, that make uncertain the success and the eventual passing of the Canadian competitors. The first, obvious consideration is that Wattpad has existed for several years and has managed over time to consolidate a strong community. Second consideration: the success of the Canadian community is based on a functional app that has begun to think about when the Kindle and the iPhone were not yet on the market; Today this same app was able to polarize the audience of the least well-off as it is also usable on smartphones that are based on Java technology.
If Google + failed to match Facebook, will succeed Amazon Wattpad to gobble up and become the first writing community on the planet? The answer is not so obvious.
Read also: 50 books for Christmas
Thomas Pynchon, The crest of the wave, Einaudi 21 €
2001: a few months before September 11, the dot-com bubble of the company has just erupted. The unlikely Maxine Tarnow, typical wacky heroine pychoniana, explores the depths of the deep web paradoxical.
Stefania Piazzino, Man believed to be Riemann, and / or 15 €
A famous mathematician loses his mind and believed to be Bernhard Riemann, who in the nineteenth century he developed a complex assumptions about prime numbers still unproven. From there part of a mysterious plot that borders on thriller.
Licia Troisi, stories lost. Chronicles of the world emerged, Mondadori, € 20
Ten years from the biggest fantasy writer Italian back where it all started, telling three unpublished stories related to the saga that has made it big.
John Schreiber, Star Wars. Deadly infection, Multiplayer.it, € 14.90
While waiting for the seventh film in the saga weblog Disney-JJ Abrams, fans can compete with this novel official Universe Star Wars: half of the imperial prison Purge and a terrible epidemic.
Jesse Bering, Perv, Utet, 15 € (ebook included)
We are all a bit ‘perverts: this is the assumption Bering psychologist believes that the perversions more or less pushed alberghino in each of us. And it shows with a roundup of examples from throughout the animal kingdom.
Dave Eggers, The Circle, Mondadori, € 20
Eggers builds a story about an imaginary company computer seemingly perfect but ends up controlling the lives of the people. A critique fictional and not so subtle universe of tech corp.
Alessandro Gazoia, As the book ends, minimum fax, 10 €
A reflection on how ebooks, self-publishing and other new dynamic publishing are changing the world of the book, between potential and myths.
Federico Baccomo Duchesne, Peep Show, Marsilio, € 18.50
An ironic and hilarious novel about the conquest of fame and its equally rapid and disastrous loss, even more so now that we are social to amplify all the good and bad.
Paolo Bacigalupi, The mechanical girl, Multiplayer.it, € 17.90
In a catastrophic future in perpetual crisis energy creatures as Emiko, a neopersona created in the lab, trying to undermine a world system of exploitation and oppression.
Richard Mares, Mom I can explain: work in web, Flaccovio Dario, € 25
Have you ever tried to explain to your mother that what does your craft with the web? Or worse: what is the web? This book is a training in the “mysteries” basic science, for all levels of understanding.
Chiara Valerio’s Almanac before, Einaudi, € 20
The tragicomic life of Alexis Medrano, a man always obsessed with mathematical computation and measurement of the world, which is enhanced by the purchase of life insurance.
Donna Tartt, The goldfinch, Rizzoli 20 €
We have all spoken. It is the novel that won the Pulitzer in 2014 and, despite the size “daunting”, was read by thousands of people. For the plot of his stories and the power of his style: you still have a few weeks, never to escape the book of the year.
Piergiorgio Pulixi, The appointment, and / or 14 €
That is apparently a dinner date at a restaurant turns into a game of psychological domination and then into a massacre thanks to data disseminated daily in the network: a breathtaking thriller .
Federico Novaro, Love Song, ISBN, € 12.50
A video on YouTube is the origin of this “love song” Novaro and his partner must marry in New York because in Italy this can not be done. Why and how many ways this fact is unfair and discriminatory? A book that is a confession but also a complaint.
Tullio Avoledo, The Children’s Crusade, Multiplayer.it, € 14.90
A Milan turned into an apocalyptic scenario in which you compare the demonic forces and those of the well. A black history that winds between the different peoples that live underground.
Collum McCann, Transatlantic, Rizzoli, € 19
What does the invention of the airplane with the emancipation of slaves blacks, the trade of the ice and the American Civil War? A romance between Europe and America, from the immense breath, among the most beautiful of this year, by an author truly exceptional.
Luca Poldelmengo, in the wrong place, and / or, € 16.50
In a not too distant future a section of the police conducting the investigation penetrating the minds of witnesses with hypnosis. But the foolproof method will collapse under the blows of a plot, in a fast-paced thriller and misuratissimo.
Why things fall down? How fast light travels? What is matter made of? A book that collects the answers going to find the “stories of great scientists curious of the world”, from Galileo to Faraday.
Wayne Gladstone Internet Apocalypse, Multiplayer.it, € 14.90
The greatest tragedy imaginable hits the world: Internet disappears into thin air. But maybe someone stole it and recover it should think about a bizarre armed fedora, a blogger immature and sexy webcam girl.
Peter the Great, Pixar Story, Hoepli, € 9.99
The confidence in the future, the passion for the wonder, the miracle of technology: journey through the history of the new factory of dreams through the contemporary history of its protagonists, Ed Catmull and Lasseter to Jobs.
The mad pursuit of the spaceship “Miserable” spreading terror throughout the Mondo9: from here this short science fiction between deserts and seas slimy.
Giulio Tononi, PHI, Code editions, 35 €
” A journey from the brain to the soul “: that is what is said in this novel-wise, thanks to a formula fiction novel, takes us to the discovery of what is consciousness. That is not an entity philosophical, but the most concrete things, represented mathematically by the number phi.
Elizabeth Laban, I am the snow, Rizzoli, € 15
The Great Game is organized every year by the senior students of Irving School. One day, however, takes an unexpected turn that involves the young albino Tim, who entrusts his mysterious story in a series of CDs.
Ian McDonald, Desolation Road , € 15.90 on zona42.it
Desolation Road is a railway stop born by mistake and that should not exist. Its people are born, grow up, fall in love, they die, and sometimes kill, among a thousand mysteries that are intertwined.
Elena Costa, Highest small 68, IoScrittore, € 3.99 (only ebook)
The last winner of the essay contest is online IoScrittore Elena Costa here tells the story with great passion of a group of young women who, in June 1968 , strenuously occupy the factory where they worked.
Diego Castles, Incipit, ebook € 1.99
A surprising debut, this, that sees the center Frank Anderson, detective with ambitions as a writer. Anderson must stop a murderess named Frankenstein because dismembers his victims and sews people to create “new”.
Kip Thorne, Buchi blacks and time shifts, Castelvecchi, 29 €
Kip Thorne is the scholar interviewed by Christopher Nolan as scientific support to the realization of “Interstellar”. This book, with a foreword by Stephen Hawking, is a journey through the elements more complex and enigmatic of Space.
Massimo Mongai, Psychopathology cyborg sex with a prostitute, and other stories, Edizioni della Vigna, € 2.99 (only ebook)
19 short stories that feature the cook space Rudy Turturro, already seen in the novel “Memoirs of a Chef d’Spaceship” (Premio Urania). Here is to dominate the combination food-sex, although there are interesting stories ucronici a bit ‘more chaste.
Marco Malvaldi – Dino Leporini, Goat and calculations. The eternal struggle between algorithms and chaos, Laterza, € 15
Every technological advancement, which often created to solve a problem, as is often the starting point of other headaches: the same goes for computers , indispensable tool but also an inexhaustible source of trouble also quite serious.
A world that collapses because of the shock of an earthquake unstoppable unexpected. It was April 6, 2009 at 3:32 at night and the Eagle was destroyed in minutes. That drama now becomes a powerful story in pictures.
Nicola Lagioia, Ferocity, Einaudi, € 19.50
Here there is technology and innovation that takes: here there only the life of the terrible times of crisis. The death of a girl launches a ruthless investigation in today’s world, in one of the best Italian books of the year.
Michael Dobbs, House of Cards 2. Chess King, Fazi, € 16.50
Look forward to seeing the return of the cynical Frank Underwood in February on Netflix? You can go over with the second of the novels that inspired the series: we are in England, however, and the protagonist, just as strict and unforgiving, is called Frank Urquhart.
Robert W. Chabers, King yellow, Vallardi, € 12.90
If you have seen (as you should) “True Detective” you know that one of the most enigmatic mysteries is linked to the figure of the King Yellow, here evoked in a series of stories mystics and macabre.
GRR Martin – Elio Garcia – Linda Antonsson, The World of Ice and Fire , Mondadori, € 25
The world of the saga of “The Throne” as you’ve never seen: a lot of unpublished illustrations, maps, original images. All the worlds created by Martin. A volume edited by the founders of his biggest fansite.
Ray Thomas – Josh Baker, 5 Years of Marvel Comics, Taschen, € 150
A volume exorbitant to tell the story of what is now the largest giant cartoony world, the golden era of comics in the thirties to the unchallenged rule on the big screen of the various Avengers current.
Piergiorgio Odifreddi, The Museum of numbers, Rizzoli, € 22
Fifty numbers narrated as if they were works on display in an imaginary museum, to discover the unexpected news about the numbers that we use all days and even those who thought devoid of interest.
Kevin Mitnick, The Phantom of the network. The true story of the world’s most wanted hacker, Feltrinelli, € 20
Mutnik was among the most wanted hacker FBI when hackers were still almost unknown entity and the web a luxury for the few: here tells his life to the limit, a computer system hacked after ‘ other.
Gordon M. Shepherd, roots of taste, Code editions, € 25
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