Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Amazon is celebrating 10 years of the Kindle with 5 million ebooks – Macity (Blog)

almost ten years after the birth of the Kindle, Amazon has picked up a slice of the huge market-with 5 million ebooks. Guide books about religion, romance novels and books for children

Five million ebooks in fact, maybe a little more depending on where you are. The online bookstore of Amazon’s Kindle is going to touch the milestone of five million titles: a growth that should "close" on the impressive number within the next November, when the company will celebrate the tenth year of a life of service ebook and ereader devices that have forever changed the publishing market.

Today, we are around 4 million and 950 thousand titles on the store the american (English language), but the amount changes depending on countries where you look, because if it accesses the version .com Amazon, for example, from Germany, reports Goodreader, the goal of the books in the English language has already passed the five million to the local publishers. The mysteries and miracles of the geolocation.

Meanwhile, Amazon has already achieved above all thanks to self publishing and its publishing houses "internal" (Kindle Direct Publishing and Kindle Select), and numerous other goals. Are five years that the growth of the library on the Kindle in English is higher than the 17%. Every month are about $ 60/ € 75 new books in English and most are non-fiction books or "non-fiction" (the ratio is 1.5 to 1).

on the Contrary, wanting to see better the cross-section of the genres of books available on the Kindle, which takes a bit also to give a portrait of western society, at least from the point of view of the English language, there are more than 400 thousand titles for Religion & Spirituality, follow 339mila of genre romance novels, and 315mila for children.

To get a proportion of what we speak from the point of view of the publishing market, in the "physics" of the library of Amazon around the world altogether there are hardcover editions and paperbacks, about 49 million books.

5 million ebook book analog


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