Into clear right away. It will not be an easy feat to choose between
Kobo Aura HD and
Amazon Kindle Paperwhite , even after taking into account the technical characteristics of both the device and after using it continuously, without mentioning that the ecosystem services that necessarily engages the experience with an ebook reader plays its part, but also the opening of the device in different file formats. And then we see in detail the proposals. Aura HD
Kobo and Kindle Paperwhite, technical specifications
Kobo Aura HD shows a slightly larger display of Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (6.8 vs. 6-inch diagonal), better resolution (1,440 × 1080 against 1,024 × 768), 4 GB of total memory compared with 2 Gbytes of Kindle Paperwhite, 1 Gbyte of RAM compared to 256 Mbytes of Kindle Paperwhite and just as fast a processor at 1GHz against 800 MHz Kindle. The latter parameter is quite irrelevant for a device of this type, hardly the player he will realize. Instead we would like to confirm that the higher resolution of Kobo is a real pleasure for the eyes (264 ppi 213 ppi against the Kindle is the difference in the density of pixels). Also the length of the diagonal of the Kobo all in all it seems more appropriate, as gains in Kindle ‘pocketability’.
Home page of the two devices is very different. Kobo Hd Aura offers the ’tile’ and more information, Amazon prefers the simplicity ‘
Into While backlight technology
Paperwhite convinces us more than
Comfort Light Kobo, it is true that the second is on the whole more uniform. Observing the devices on the vertical plane from top to bottom, however, will perceive technological differences in our opinion, to the advantage of Kindle. The panel touch panel Amazon is capacitive, to Aura HD works with infrared technology, for this there is also a greater thickness between board and display. It can be annoying. Finally, with regard to the interfaces, is benefited
Kobo Aura HD with its microSD slot that facilitates considerably the transfer of content, and presents a socket microUSB, common to both, but it is also true that Amazon proposes also his model with integrated 3G connectivity at no additional cost and without concern for the user to manage any contract with the operators. It means you can access the store and to your library in the cloud fro m 80 countries with no worries. And ‘the strength to Amazon.
Original design for the back of Kobo Aura HD
Aura HD
Kobo and Kindle Paperwhite, description and ergonomics
Into Slightly taller and wider, for the longest diagonal of the display, Kobo Aura HD is also more often than Amazon Kindle Paperwhite (128 × 175 x12 116 mm against × 170 x9 mm). Dance three millimeters in thickness to the benefit of the Kindle. Kindle weighs about 20 grams lighter (220 grams versus 240 grams). This consideration is to be balanced, however, with the idea that an ebook reader is used with a protective case and the original Kindle Paperwhite is not very light, balancing our assessment. Of course, in our opinion Amazon Kindle Paperwhite comes with a chassis altogether more convincing. It ‘a personal opinion. We prefer the smooth back slightly rubberized, the facet of Kobo, which still puts plenty of bite, but the plastic which provides feedback less reassuring especially in the case of torsion and bending which may generate noise that plastic while Kindle is more rigid and compact.
Kobo can work on this point, just from the point of view of design, maybe trying a whole to eliminate that aspect a bit ‘”framed” that the device has. Kobo has chosen to switch on a color button to shift, Kindle had the key to move on early models, with Paperwhite preferred a simple power button. Kindle also has an LED that indicates the status of the device and its charging, however, the LED next to the power button Kobo indicates a processing state of the device, which it is powering up, or that it is processing a content, does not turn on for the simple charging. Kobo has set up an ad hoc button for the backlight, which is missing in the Kindle that has chosen the path of power by software. With regard to the autonomy of the device as a whole can be considered equivalent with more than a full day of battery life in reading and more than two months of standby time. The use of the Wifi affects significantly in both cases.
Aura HD
Kobo and Kindle Paperwhite software and services
Regarding the software the two devices are set in a completely different way. Were more articulate, and only slightly more complex the system Kobo, with a home page more informative (read times, the state of synchronization with the online repositories, etc..) To ’tile’ (bricks) customizable, with more software installed (including some games like chess), with a management system of the options bar, for which the user chooses the setting along a ‘continuum’ (see the slideshow) while the Kindle settings are predefined in a established number (for example 8-10 of font sizes, over twenty levels of lighting and so on). Kobo is the most flexible of the system of customizing the formatting of the books (a legacy of Epub), but it is true that for example by changing the font size of the waiting times are getting longer in a few seconds too.
Into It ‘a real choice of field to Kobo to marry the format that is spread across multiple devices
Epub as Adobe format of the books of choice, as an alternative to’
AZW Amazon . Rather common formats: Mobi
Html ,
Jpg ,
Png ,
Gif . Kobo also includes Tiff, Bmp while the Amazon. Entering your Kindle specifically Paperwhite also supports DOC and PRC, Aura HD Cbr, Cbz, and RTF. Note that Amazon offers a conversion service unsupported format that has no levels and there is a fee up to Kobo. The Amazon service provides the ability to securities lending, with a procedure completely on-air, via the Web While, if permitted by the DRM, the way Kobo is more complex, but possible, simply by exchanging the memory card for example . Kobo also allows the purchase of securities online and synchronization between different devices, and in the same way as Amazon offers Kobo app for all major mobile operating systems, to read their notes with alternative device s. At the moment, however, only Kindle App is also available for Windows Phone. The other systems are well covered by both platforms. Kobo is a step backwards with regard to the audiobook. And finally the store at the time Amazon’s ebook presents a greater number of securities. Into Regarding the procedure of purchase of securities, Kobo offers all possibilities you can buy on the store of publishers and then transfer the file via PC, as you can buy directly into the Kobo store and download the title thanks to WiFi. Through the computer has available an appropriate software for the management of Kobo, which in the package includes a USB cable particularly cared in the finish that is not plastic but has a nylon coating. When buying directly from the device Kobo all data will be placed directly on your Kobo, the number of the credit card, just with a procedure like when you buy online via the Web from your computer. Amazon from this point of view only offers the oppo rtunity to purchase on their store, puts more posts, but at the same time, the system as a whole seems perfect, with a combined rigorous user / device. Both systems provide a storage system of securities purchased in the cloud. Both systems provide systems finally highlighting and sharing notes, as well as the ability to leverage pre-loaded dictionaries.
Into First, just a note that unites both ebook reader, and generally all the systems and-ink. These systems are particularly suited for reading books, are not at all suitable as consultation systems instead of technical manuals or illustrated books. They are good for comics, bad for the manuals that contain tutorials with photos or capture. For example, for your technical manual, where there are step by step photo, so we can not recommend the purchase of an ebook, but to consult them on a tablet, with the dedicated app for iOS or Android tablets that are . Maybe on a screen more responsive and colors, with a diagonal certainly greater than that of both the devices that we have proposed in this review.
Into That said we can assure you that with regard to the use of an ebook reader for reading, Kobo has bridged the gap with Amazon, except perhaps the quality of the chassis, and offers a great product, with hardware specifications for many respects superior to those of Am azon Kindle Paperwhite, whose services, however, are overall still unmatched. We say this for the 3G offering, such conversion systems and the cloud as a whole. Recurs again the dispute between
Epub format and
AZW , including the ability to purchase securities of any store, such as Kobo allows you to do, or stay connected with exceptional service , but still even a single store, as the most famous and popular in the world.
Into arrive to some considerations on the price. Kobo Aura HD costs 169 euro, while Kindle Paperwhite costs 40 € (129 €) less, and for 20 euro more (189 euro) compared to the Kobo Aura HD you can buy the Amazon model with 3G connectivity. In our opinion, this policy is not advantageous price for Kobo. For 40 euro less, it might be worth giving up a higher specification hardware, preferring Kindle Paperwhite, and who wants to spend a little more could orientate on the 3G device. Of course there is a choice of the base field, as we have already pointed out. Those who prefer Epub with its advantages will not have doubts and Kobo is currently an absolute point of reference among ebook reader for this format. Those who prefer the services of a great cloud, and a software system that we believe is less sophisticated, but also more simple, prefer Amazon Kindle Paperwhite. Amazon, as we have become accustomed to date, renewed with a new model to its range every year to the aut umn. The challenge launched by the compelling proposition of Kobo just waiting to be harvested.
Kobo Aura HD vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite
![Kobo Aura HD vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite Kobo Aura HD vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite]()
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