Into The first Amazon Kindle Fire has been released nell’autonno 2011 to the newer HD versions. In his first appearance was equipped with version 2.3 of Android. One major limitation is the inability to access the Android Market. As a solution it is possible to Root the Kindle Fire.
Into the To Root the Kindle Fire usufruiamo Burrito Root of the exploit developed by Justin Case. We show here a guide to informational and educational purposes:- need to enable the installation of applications from unknown sources. To do that you have to access the Settings , go to the section other , and set to ON the Allow installation applications (Allow Installation of Application).
- Install the Android SDK available in the links at the end of pages. Add folders-Tool Platform and Tools to the path of the operating system to allow faster startup tools (DDMS or adb).
- proceed by changing the settings of the USB driver. Navigate to the folder [username] /. Android and the bottom of the file adb_usb.ini to add the following string 0 × 1949 (the first character is a zero).
- to login to the folder where you installed the SDK. Open the folder google-usb_driver and look for the file android_winusb.inf . Edit the file earlier evinced aggiungedo the lines of code that follow in sections Google.NTx86 and Google.NTamd64 ; Kindle Fire
% SingleAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB VID_1949 & PID_0006%
CompositeAdbInterface% = USB_Install, USB VID_1949 & PID_0006 & MI_01 - Once you have modified the files as we can proceed to connect the device to the Root the Kindle Fire . Look in the Windows drivers in the folder google-usb_driver, inside the file will be android_winusb.inf. If until now the process has gone in the right way, you can view your Device Manager as shown.
- headlights that can run the adb Rooting the Kindle Fire, you must restart adb. To do this we must open DDMS via the Tools folder of the SDK installation, select Actions and click Reset adb . (If you want to display the connected devices run the following command adb devices ).
- Now we are ready to run the Root of the Kindle Fire. Download the files listed in the folder and insert adb.
- BurritoRoot2
- Superuser (this link could be identified as harmful, allowing the download manually)
- and position yourself in the folder adb, run the following commands: adb push
BurritoRoot2.bin / data / local /
adb shell chmod 777 / data/local/BurritoRoot2.bin
adb shell / data/local/BurritoRoot2.bin
adb root
adb shell id
adb remount
adb push to / system / xbin / su
adb shell chown 0.0 / system / xbin / su / / “0.0″ zero character
o6755 adb shell chmod / system / xbin / su
adb remount
adb install Superuser.apk (skip this step if its already installed)
Into It will now be available on your Kindle application icon Superuser like the one shown in the figure below.
Root the Kindle Fire
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