Sunday, January 8, 2017

Amazon, the 10 ebook of 2016 in the Kindle Store – Want …

Amazon reveals the titles of the ebooks the most sold in the Kindle Store, and their sentences more appreciated by the readers in the course of the 2016. Compared to last year, in 2016, the readers of the Italian language have shown greater interest in the novels, especially those of love and thriller. At the top of the ranking we find The perfume of the leaves of tea of Dinah Jefferies, novel number 1 in England and translated in 17 Countries, tells the story of Gwendolyn, a young londoner newly-married that in the twenties he moved to the island of Ceylon to join her husband. The love story in the new Country seems to move the pair, which seems to get closer when the main character discov ers she has become a mother.

The sentence underlined was: "No one had ever said that being a mother meant living with a love so boundless that will leave you breathless, and with a fear so terrible to shake the soul. Only at that moment understood how those two feelings were similar." The second place in the ranking of the international bestseller the girl on The train Paula Hawkins. Bronze medal for A family almost perfect, a thriller that has gripped the entire world from the pages of Jane Shelmilt, try together with Jenny is the daughter of Naomi that seems to have disappeared into nothing. "In real life only the beginning is happy and nothing ends well. On the other hand, nothing really ends" is the phrase that is most liked to the readers.

the meeting between Louisa and Will in Me before you Jojo Moyes stood on the fourth place taking the Italian readers, that, in particular, appreciated this step of the novel: "I Felt the need to tell him, silently, that things could change, grow or wither, but that life went on. We all we part of a great cycle, a plan that only God could understand."

Five people are around a pit. In turn, each of them is forced to dig for the burial of a corpse. Half of the ranking, another great thriller that kept the suspense to the readers, the lovers of ebooks, she Screams in silence Angela Marsons. "For the triumph of evil it is enough that the good renounce to the action." This is followed by another thriller, the intelligent and brilliant, 9 days, Gilly Macmillan: at the center of the disappearance of another young boy. "If you speak too openly of the terrible things, people instinctively tend to move away" is the phrase most emphasized within the novel.

"Too many rules of ecclesiastical’d to stand in the way of christianity" is emphasized in the eBook that are in the seventh position, the Brides of war Helen Bryan, the story of five friends conosciutesi in a little village of Great Britain during the Second World War. the Roberta Gately and girls of Kabul city are in eighth place, a story of love and hope in a land ravaged by the pain of Afghanistan. The sentence underlined was: "I Think that for how much suffering is unfair, they own the suffering, to teach men to find the strength to react. In good and in evil, pain has a meaning."

In the penultimate position of an outsider, the only non-novel in the top 10 of the eBook the most read: diet and longevity. By the scientist who revolutionized the research on stem cells and aging, the Diet mimics fasting to live a healthy life up to 110 years of Valter Longo.

Closes the list Catherine Bybee Not a date (Not quite series). "Smiles and so should be preceded by a signal of danger" you liked it very much to the readers who have chosen the most beautiful phrase of this love story.


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