Monday, November 9, 2015

Ebook paradox: the problem of the crisis is the Amazon Kindle because the technology does not help most – FIRSTonline

Homage to Amazon

Amazon has invented ‘s ebook at the same so that Apple invented the smartphone . First there was something, but something that affects only the historians of technology for a footnote ‘page . Amazon does not know what today we would read a novel on a screen on board a train or on a sunny beach. Why merits Amazon can hard be overvalued . Amazon has started this Industry , has defended and has consolidated. Today is that Amazon should make a leap forward prevent that all this back back in front of the ‘ attack Industry formed (the incumbents ) and not want the ebook them combat on all terrain and by all means.

Today the ebook does not seem to be in the group of technologies playoffs, but in those play out: all the ‘ environment is spreading a cosmic pessimism . On the other front, the publishers , is a lot spirit and already thinking to lead the blow . How can recover?

lever are authors . Not so much the authors who write something to have it published (with all due respect and consideration for this new and beautiful form of publishing), but authors mainstream Stephen King that, if they had the means and the incentives right, could really yield narrative content new type in a position to capitalize on the enormous potential of e-books and of their technology. Unfortunately all the writers more play in the Team of big publishers traditional Amazon could measure its insulation on many occasions, including that of his summer bootcamp, whose motto is “ have fun !, Amazon pays “, now deserted by well-known names. Not a day goes by that Scott Turow not write something against Amazon enemy of literature and culture. The ‘Authors Guild , presided by Turow, has invoked the’ action of ‘ Antitrust , that is of the same regulators who set the fire . As often happens, the win Amazon antitrust case against Apple and big five on model agency it has backfired Amazon as a whirlwind that changes direction. For Amazon is vermente time to a U.

You Amazon – more than Apple, more than Google – which has give to authors tools that allow them to create new type of content that is an evolution than a book that is as it is poured on a Kindle . At the end of the day the Edition lost compare with Book . The book is better and if is not , as it failed, the price advantage , amen. It is now clear, the editors will do nothing for the ebook . But, let’s talk a bit ‘of publishers.

The dilemma publisher

publishers , as written on the NYTimes Alexandra Alter, continue to investment strongly in the book: Penguin-Randon House , 100 million dollars Simon & amp; Schuster , 50 million in new and effective distribution centers and sorting and technology management stock (the same as Procter & amp; Gamble) so as to make Directions Book to the library in the time where a reader would get from buying it Amazon . The plight of the returns , the “cholesterol” of this business, start now to trouble not through these Lean techniques implemented by publishers.

First the book, then the rest ” is the online of big publishers confirmed by the CEO of Simon & amp; Schuster. In fact Carolyn Reidy said on ebook will remain the status quo , while there will be investment support ‘s ecosystem Book . A statement that find response directly in the sales data coming from the US looking at the chart above we can see that the Kindle Store (the 65% market ebook ) share of traditional publishers in a year and a half has reduced from 58% to 41% . Quite a splash! But who cares, they think publishers.

The strategy to shore up the book is something that is working and has a reverberation also on libraries. In fact, it is favoring the birth independent libraries , a pleasing to Editor because they are the most controllable of the big chains as Barnes & amp; Noble, who instead is suffering a lot.

great publishers can give to libations, but have a little problem . It has product their hostility Amazon which eventually is transformed ‘hostility against technology same. So as think publishers lead their business in the new digital scenario that can not be blocked with a few commercial actions well bedded in?

The most plausible interpretation is that the publishers medium-sized books are searching buy time to complete the process of consolidation , Mergers and restructuring also within the media conglomerates to which they belong. This set of actions should increase bargaining power with Amazon and other technology groups, an effect that already is already beginning to see. It is something that has a their ratio . So far all the attempts of publishers to develop its own presence arena digital are failed whether it was of initiatives, both in the case of acquisitions. Are experience not repeatable Amazon , Apple and Google deal already scene , innovate at a dizzying rate, and they know how to do it. What publishers need to find is a constructive relationship with the technology of a equal footing , one thing that is not at all easy for the ‘predatory instinct of the great groups of the Internet that tend not to take prisoners. Let’s see what will happen and we go back to our discussion.

2015: If the book beats Kindle, Amazon needs to do what?

In 2015, Book has become tremendously competitive . While the Edition and software powering them have become obsolete and no longer needed for the new level at which increased the competition. Rather they are a barrier . The Edition is a tool for transition exceptional as avatar of the book, has Run better than expectations for transport strong readers on digital . The Kindle not made him feel the disorientation you test in transfer by familiar ground and known to one that is not. The Kindle was the Spitfire of the battle of the new media to win one of the oldest and most glorious industries, that of the book. The Edition but not more hole, and it is also seen in the drop in sales that is dramatic . In five years sales e-reader have almost halved , from 20 millions in 2010 to 12milioni in 2015. In the same period, independent bookstores are increased from 1660 to 2227. What does this mean?

This means that the Edition and especially their software , not are the tool with which it can be the “ remediation ” of fiction and nonfiction. The remediation is that process that leads to ‘ claim new media supported by innovative technology. The remediation is not the mere reproduction of a media into another . This concept has escaped visionaries Amazon. It can happen.

So far, all the experiments to create the fiction and essay fitting to be consumed on a screen are connected to the Internet failed because Edition not could receive them and fully send to player . These experiments should be conveyed through tablet and smartphone where people also read fiction and nonfiction, but not intensively: it is still the club of readers, it is quite a playground where, somewhere, there is also a reading room. You on Kindle Amazon that ‘ innovation in these fields must be received , carried , spread and be brought to the readers. Here’s the deal. But what’s the first step?

It’s time dell’ePub3

Amazon should abbondonare format own mobi , a basic format for the display of text, and move all ‘ ePub3 that all the functions of mobi more than you need to create content mash-up . The ePub3 has become the market standards : a consortium of publishers, device manufacturers and developers is driving it trying to balance all the needs. To be frank, it is not yet what it would take for the remediation, but it’s like the internal combustion engine than the mule in comparison with the mobi. The most interesting aspect of ‘ ePub3 and support , even partially, the’ HTML5 / CSS3 and Java , stuff that makes up so much of the web. For example, if a writer of thrillers, after describing masterly scene of a crime or an action, wanted to show it to the player on a map, so as to place us important clues, with the ePub3 it could do so within the his traditional storytelling. Could use to media appropriate enhance scenarios built with words. Something could also be better.

step from mobi to ePub3 would have to Amazon Cost a Decision . Already the ‘ ePub3 embedded in file that the reader download from Kindle Store to read on the Kindle or kindle app. It would be enough to pass the driver’s seat and the passenger all’ePub3 to mobi. Users will not be affected at all, not as has happened to the Swedes at five in the September 3, 1967 when the leadership went from left to right. It would be a decision so simple so important to change the overall picture of the market. Would have an effect comparable to the decision Apple to enter iBooks of the app preinstalled on all devices iOS and on the Mac.

With Amazon aligned on ‘ ePub3 , the entire ecosystem of manufacturers and developers app ebook reading would adopt , without delay, the ePub3 today when someone is 100% (like Apple), there are more than 70% and still others not at all . Now there is only mess and help to minority of ebook . Then there would be effects on authors . It is certain that some of these pioneers, would start to make content this new scenario in which the player has finally come down more, Amazon just . Other authors would follow and then would develop that virtuous competition that would lead to the development market vibrant of the ebook, which, without suppressing the book, would also benefit the latter.

The following is an excerpt from the output volume of Angela Maiello , entitled The store network. Aesthetics and new technologies, published by Goware. In this essay, the concept of remediation is identified as the central factor growth and the affirmation of a new medium. Before being the technology remediation is a process aesthetic and cultural . The other fundamental concept is to interactive , but we’ll deal with this in a different contribution.

The remediation

The birth medium always result a remediation . This term was introduced by two American authors, JD Bolte r and R. Grusin to define the process technology, aesthetics and cultural all ‘ source development new forms organization of perception and representation. Remediation means represent a medium to another, ie be through new device an aesthetic and cultural practices that was expression another technical configuration .

The remediation not is, however, a neutral transform , a mere process of transition from one technology to another; in this transformation, in fact, it takes place a reconfiguration of the medium ; the remediation works on specific characteristics of individual devices reactivate them and renewing them in new ways. In this sense fix also means remedy , amend the technical performance of the older media, speaking of those aspects manchevol I exhibiting the potential development .

Let’s take an example: it can be argued that YouTube has remedied TV , establishing a new technological mode of ‘ TV experience ; in fact this process has enabled ‘s user to perform function that certainly not did part that experience medial TV and instead define the viewing videos online , like development of the content and sharing of them. In other words it is born a new medium.

The remediation, then not the mere repetition of a means to another , or simply result process evolution technology that must swallow some features of old media devices in technically more advanced. Fix means to question, reconfigure each time rules that define and regulate the common aesthetic experience starting from ‘establishment of specific practices and media strategies.

Designed and ipermediazione

The process of remediation is based on a double logic which consists of the complementarity of immediate and ipermediazione . To a greater claim to immediacy – in its double meaning of real-time, instantaneity , but also access to a reality without filters, as it is – is a corresponding highest degree of mediation or multiplication and organization of different layers and levels media . The effectiveness of immediacy depends on the level of ipermediazione and one (immediacy) can not be obtained without the other (the ipermediazione). It is also in this case the paradigmatic example of Periscope : direct access to the streaming video created by a user placed in any the world you can from the layer multiplication media , ranging from webcam of the user’s mobile device which streams all ‘ interface of the ‘ apps used by the user that displays the video.

Double logical remediation is not only true new media, but it can be traced , each time differently declined, in different times history visual . However in the case of digital media this process is explicitly exhibited : the remediation is the explicit rule of formation of new media. This is not enough, however, to distinguish digital media from analog media. It remains unclear the specific principle they answer the strategies and practices enabled by new technologies that condense an exemplary network, the contemporary medium that more than any other has marked the establishment of a new aesthetic regime . This principle is that of ‘ interactive .


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