Sunday, January 12, 2014

How to find free ebooks for Kindle - Planet eBook


Dedicated to the owners of a new Kindle eReader: now in their hands the reader Amazon , you just have to search for titles to read, perhaps in a manner entirely free , unless you want to turn the reader into a simple piece of furniture. Luck is therefore twofold, as are a host sites , from which you can search for titles by download, without spending a single penny . Come, therefore, to see which websites are appropriate to the task, especially those that offer eBooks in Italian.

The first proposal is , a meritorious project that aims to facilitate the promotion of high culture and the use of technology in the humanities. True to this approach, Liber Liber has launched the LiberGnu, which provides a wide range of classic, Italian or foreign, can give great depth to our digital library.

Another point of reference is not to ignore completely the Italian section of Project Gutenberg , or , where they can be downloaded thousands of titles, in order strictly alphabetically, available in popular formats. Just read the first titles available to understand the scope of the project: Giuseppe Cesare Abba, Vittorio Alfieri, Dante, Edmondo De Amicis, Gabriel D’Annunzio. A true anthology ready to be read at no charge.

But if you are real compulsive readers, those who need to literally cram their digital library of titles, the solution can only be BookOS , where there are approximately one million and means of securities, even if they are especially volumes in English. While it is more limited range of Last Books , with a few hundred titles, which can still make convenient to integrate our equipment.

If you want to bet on books in Italian, it should be kept in mind as a site . where the classic of our literature is always available to those who want to go back to the origins of the same. Even in this case, just scroll down the list of the first titles to understand the scope of the operation: Pietro Aretino, Ludovico Ariosto, Luigi Capuano, Emilio De Marchi, Federico De Roberto, Fogazzaro, just to make the first names of great literature tricolor. Plus foreign writers such as Henry James, Franz Kafka, Rudyard Kiping and so on, in an impressive parade that can not miss in the library of those who love good reading. As you can see, there is something for all tastes.


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