Friday, September 12, 2014

With Kids Kindle Book Creator anyone can create picture books for children – Planet eBook

Kids Kindle Book Creator

One of the publishing sectors in which you feel the most difference between the print book and its corresponding e is, of course, that of the children’s books .
Nothing cardboard , no pop-up and no (or little) integrated text in images.
From the time digital publishing is looking for a system to transpose this reading experience on the digital side. The stated goal of many publishers specializing in books for children, is to find a “third way.” Not just a copy, that would obviously be impossible for reasons of “physical”, but a “translation” in many cases “extension” of the reading experience, integrating the pictures text and media in the broadest sense. Results are not always satisfactory and often torn between the book and the ‘ application playful .
The recent evolution in the sizes of digital text , however, partially eliminated this dichotomy creating standards that can be used effectively for this purpose.
L ‘ EPUB3 , for most of the producers, and the consideration KF8 ( acronym for Kindle Format 8 ) to the world Amazon , allowing full integration of different content from simple text.
These formats are supported by a growing number increasing readers ebook , especially when it comes to applications installed on your tablet or computer.
is sufficient, this, to make elementary creating any type of digital book ?
Not exactly.
To date, create a ebook is a simple covenant which consists basically in the same pages of text .
Generating a ebook with fixed layout like that of a picture book is more difficult, especially if you are unfamiliar with editing the new formats mentioned above.
The idea to facilitate anyone who wants to engage in this enterprise was the base of the launch last year of Kindle Comics Creator and, today, Kindle Kids’ Book Creator , the new tool Amazon that allows authors and publishers of combine graphics and text children’s picture book that can be read with the ‘ Kindle app smartphone tablet and computer .
The application is available for Windows and 7.8 for OSX and seeks to ensure ease of use, not so much to the publishers as authors who wish to engage in ‘ self-publishing children’s books .
Ample space to self publishing , then, with its pros and cons.
Even if we are talking about a limited field than the overall publishing scene, in fact, the risk is to see the store flooded with content a fluctuating quality .
And it is questionable whether, contrary to what is often the case with current ebook , in this case, the market will be able to self-regulate in a manner effective, leaving out valuable products rather than those properly promoted.

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