Thursday, December 11, 2014

Amazon launches Kindle WriteOn and declares war on Wattpad –

Amazon is fighting a new war and not against a traditional publisher reluctant to accept a lower price ebooks of its authors. The enemy now is much more ambiguous, the writing community More and more, can establish a level of interaction between the reader / writer immediately and give birth literary phenomena that may not go down in the history of literature, but they generate money and attention (publishers).

Chief among these is Wattpad community which debuted online in 2006 gaining in importance thanks to funds provided by investors. The updated figures in April this year and published on Wikipedia, Wattpad has 85% of its traffic app for smartphone users, totals 35 million unique users per month and every day online public thousand stories. This platform, in recent months, has jumped to the headlines for hosting After , a novel written by a 25 year-old Texan fanfiction Anna Todd, who has for the male lead a guy who is the exact copy of Harry Styles, the handsome of the British boy band One Direction. After has been read a billion times in the network, has become a saga also published on paper by an editor and perhaps he will make a film. The phenomenon is similar to that of Fifty Shades of Grey , the bestselling sadomasochistic party, initially, as a work of fanfiction inspired by the universe of Twilight .

Screenshot 10/12/2014 at 18:24:42

The fanfiction, in fact, at first judged even a literary genre , has proven to be a writing workshop and talented young, very young, to watch. There we have an example here in Italy with the site EFP, an archive of stories and novels inspired by the characters of the establishment of entertainment (heroes of the TV series, movies and novels) which has over 40 thousand subscribers. Fanfiction that was a reservoir from which to draw, Amazon had already sensed launching its Kindle Worlds, an archive of narrative universes of which had bought the rights, making them available to the authors of self so that they could write stories without fear of infringing any copyright . Wattpad however, is not just fanfiction. The secret of his success – that it has become a threat to the hegemony of Amazon – has other reasons.

Kindle Direct Publishing is the great, great platform for self publishing through which Amazon has changed the world of ‘Publishing. Everyone can publish his story, without waiting for the approval of an editor, just sign up, convert its files in a format that is read on your chosen media – Kindle, smartphone, PC. The author decides the selling price of his work that will figure in the endless digital store Amazon. The user is thus a writer and editor at the same time, this is the great revolution of Kindle Direct Publishing.

But what is missing in KDP Wattpad that owns and prompted Amazon to take appropriate action, as we shall see then? I think interaction “hot” and genuinely participatory between users. As we said before, Amazon-KDP is a library, Wattpad is a writing workshop where the authors collect opinions, rather than reviews, on their writings. It is something like a literary café or a school of creative writing. Everything is instant and friendly, as well as free. This ensures the writing community as Wattpad, 20Lines and Penne Matte, where Wired has hosted the FantasyContest aimed at all users of the network, a square where read and discuss and where to publish a story or a novel is as easy as posting on a blog.

It is something missing to Amazon where books reside in a global shop along with appliances, video games and so on and the form of interaction is all in all traditional and without malice, that is entrusted to the comments and the rating system via stellette. But the colossus was not with our hands and these days has launched in beta Kindle WriteOn . What is it? A platform which aims to create a community of authors and readers who write, read and help with rapid feedback on their work. I can not say any more about it to try it you have to have a code that is not released to anyone, but on the invitation.
Hope of getting it and if I will give you detailed description of this new tool for writing and reading.
For now happily greeting every initiative that gives visibility into the network who wants to write.


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