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Luke Colantuoni ,

Just in time for the holiday season, as written by Amazon , iOS users can download from the Apple store the latest version of the app that introduces five exciting features. Among the new features included in Kindle 4.6 There are direct access to Goodreads and the Book Browser , thought mainly to subscribers Kindle Unlimited.

After you install the update, you will see “the experience of welcome” for new users, who will immediately begin reading the ebook, choosing the favorite genres or titles suggested by Amazon, most of which is available for a free preview . Who owns an iPad, however, can use the Book Browser to try and see the information about books (description, reviews, etc.). Subscribers to Kindle Unlimited can explore the entire catalog consists of over 700,000 titles and thousands of audiobooks, start the download immediately and start reading.

Thanks to the integration of Goodreads , the social network dedicated to books, you can share portions of text and communicate the progress of reading, using the new button [g] present in the controls of the reader. Fans of the series will appreciate the functionality that signals the next volume. For example, at the end of the book A Game of Thrones will be recommended the book A Clash of Kings.

Kindle for iOS 4.6 finally supports progressive playback for Audible . The user can start playing the audiobook, without waiting for the download to complete.