Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Home @Crinzieacapo 6 reasons to buy a Kindle and stop seeing it as a … – The New York City

I would have never imagined to reach this conclusion, I do, that the classic is best of the new, the one in the afternoons love spending hours in a library to read plots. I that “Oh no! Feel the smell of paper, flip through pages, gives the story a something magical; without these details it is impossible to read “; and in fact here I am, as I write, with a ready-backed-reader next to the PC keyboard, proving that I own right when I tease soprannominandomi “Alessandra The Consistency.” I would never have said it, but now I own this gadgets that weighs just over a plate of pasta such as those who prepared my grandmother – we are on 300 grams, grandmother was Sicilian – I realize that I could not live without and this is why below we list the 6 reasons why avid readers like me should absolutely evaluate the possible purchase of an e-reader.

the expense is made.

most people with whom I compared on this subject have always criticized the cost of e-readers, and I admit that initially I was a little hesitant. The model I chose is the Kindle Paperwhite, one of the most popular home-Amazon, costs 129,00 Euros. I can assure you it’s worth every penny and the expense is amortized early, especially if you read more books per month. Those who want to spend less can opt for the basic models; Kindle is that Kobo can be purchased from 69 Euros.

The reading experience is not very far from that on paper, on the contrary!

Very fast, practical, the model I chose has a feature that I personally love; adjustable built-in light that allows me to read easily even at night, without tiring my eyes minimally enough Cecati and without disturbing snoring at my side. Regardless, the new e-reader screens are specially created to increasingly resemble the books; without annoying reflections are crazy because they seem to browse real pages, and also the e-ink – told how to eat “electronic ink” – makes the reading experience virtually the same as on paper. Nothing to do with that of the tablet; I tried several times with my iPad without any tangible result; not relaxes, the light is too strong, the reflections annoy, distract the notifications from reading. In short, e-readers is another story, much better. Another feature is not just the battery life; It goes on weeks!

I stress, I take notes and I enrich my vocabulary.

This I had not planned and it was a wonderful discovery. My Kindle allows me to emphasize the phrases that strike me and even write notes on them. An option that I found very useful is the integrated vocabulary that allows me to enrich the vocabulary whenever I am faced with words that do not know – yes happen Riga: Mica is Rita Levi Montalcini!

I read more and more often.

Since you possess read much more than before. It may sound strange but it is. As I said it weighs very little, it is thrown in the bag with a facilitates crazy and wanting and you hold it with one hand and puff, then allows it to be used even when you are in positions of circus, maybe on the bus, standing, hovering, hanging. I take that bus? 44 crossed at 7.30am; avoid it, the better.

Electronic books cost less than paper ones.

With regard to the Amazon bookstore, which is the one I’m using, thanks to lightning offers and those of the month, I can buy all sorts of titles a few euro. It is also known that apart from discounts, savings on e-books is always very high, and, believe me, to have thousands of wi-fi network at your books and click is truly a paradise for those who love to read.

revenue view that such a reading does not exclude the other.

Buy a Kindle, a Kobo, any other e-reader, does not exclude the your life paper books, anything. Arise from head this prejudice because it is completely wrong. The e-reader is not to be seen as a demon, the contraption yet another that seeks to take an old pleasure – that the limit is television when transmitting ideas such as Temptation Island or 5 pm – but we must start to recognize it for what it actually it is: a device that encourages reading more, in a more easy, in situations where maybe the classic book would be uncomfortable to wear or hold. No one wants to deprive us of the pleasure that involves reading a book “true”, nothing can replace this spell, but regardless, for me, no matter how, no matter when, the important thing is to read.

Alessandra Crinzi




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