Thursday, September 8, 2016

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Amazon announced the new initiative called Kindle Reading Fund . The new initiative was to make more accessible the market for digital books around the world.

Amazon: digital culture project

The project promoted by Amazon “ Kindle Reading Fund “, will be implemented in collaboration with several non-profit organizations such as Worldreader , who has been leading in family homes inhabitants in developing countries, books free of charge.

Amazon, it said that the organization in just six years has managed to make reading accessible to more than 4 million people.

Given the great results achieved, Amazon, He has decided to re-affiliate to Worldreader , which in the past had worked on a project in Kenya.

the project has realized the dream of many leading e-books in 61 libraries the nation, has reached about 500,000 people.

Amazon Kindle offers for countries developing

Amazon plans to donate thousands of readers Kindle e-reader , Fire tablet and millions of eBook , to developing nations.

in addition, plans to continue donating these devices also students and teachers, and will collaborate with the National PTA (Parent teacher Association) to involve entire families in the reading program.

a spokesman for Amazon said: “ always been our dream is to to make every book available to all our users in less than 60 seconds. But we realize that not everyone has access to the readings they want or they need. That is why today we are happy to announce the Kindle Reading Fund , a program that tries to make the books available to developing communities through digital reading .

Amazon Kindle Oasis: the features leaked


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