Monday, October 13, 2014

From Kindle to Kindle Unlimited First: Amazon does not stop – Future Daily

Amazon in this period is a whirlwind of action, a raging river that you can not just stop, perhaps to distract attention from the controversies that continue to push always hot, willy-nilly, in the center of the viewfinder.

 First 350 Growing protests

From the continuous attacks of the French publishing giant Hachette, in protest against the price too low and the discounts will continue that, in their opinion, discourage the purchase of books while also reducing much of the revenues, through writers gathered under the banner of “Authors United”, who wrote harsh words in their recent letter. For the illustrious names, Nobel Prize winners and who continue to express discomfort on their pages, protesting techniques monopolistic deemed illegal until you get to the publisher of the Lagardere Group, whose books are “held hostage” by months.

But Amazon does not stop

In short, the more the protests, major initiatives that Amazon brings out of his top hat, a giant of the genre can not stop. So after Kindle Unlimited, the service that allows you to pay a monthly sum to be able to download books without any limit, is also First Edition.

can be seen as an additional service or just as a little bonus offered to customers loyal, and eager readers. It’s completely free and aims to offer users the ability to have early access to some content sold by one of the publishers of Amazon, without any obligation to buy. Each month, the editors will select four upcoming releases and users can choose in advance who will be able to buy a book for 99p in Britain and for 1 dollar and 99 in the United States. Who is a member of Prime rather not have to pay anything.

 Kindle-pap min The limits of service

But there are limits: it is allowed to buy only one, so you have to choose carefully, moreover, it is impossible to change your mind, you will then need to wait until the official release date and pay full price, if you really want that book. To take advantage of this opportunity in more than is necessary to register and subscribe to the monthly email to stay informed on what titles can be read in advance.

In addition to being a great deal for readers is also an opportunity useful to push new titles on the square, and to avoid that go unnoticed in the vast virtual library of Amazon. Yet another advantage that will give much annoyance to the publishers and unleash new wars, which, however, so Amazon seems to become accustomed. For now the service is only available in the United States and in Great Britain, then who knows?

Ilaria Easter


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